Oct 2, 2010

[VIDEO] Bolero BEST Live Performance

credit : dygkshtm

It give me shivers and goosebumps whenever I watch Bolero performance...
Their harmony was perfect! Love the song..love their voice..
I remember why I fall so deep in love with them..

I miss them~ when we'll get chance to see that perfect Bolero stage once again...
I want the boys to give me the beautiful feeling again...
*sigh* I believe they will comeback together and I'll always believe.

comment by iMusicExpress@Youtube

Sometimes I think it was fate, I mean, isn't it funny how their fanclub's theme is to always keep the faith? It's like destiny wanted them to have this tragic moment so that in the future, they will have the biggest come-back in kpop history. It will be a moment to remember when DBSK has their comeback.

This comment receive 107 thumbs up! I'm so agree..its like fate!
Biggest COMEBACK! lets pray for that...

1 comment:

ecahkattun said...

i seriously crying when i listen to this song~!!!!and i will always keep the faith~!