I found this today!! ahh...so excited!
I found the picture somewhere in the LJ (from a Yunjae author) and I ask around other fellow Cassies about it..
The picture was taken by Chinese ninja Cassies (lol they're awesome!).
They claimed that this is Yunjae's bedroom during Miroticon Shanghai, I think around October 4th 2009
They make an analysis out of the lamp condition, the pillow position and the coke volume (sound like a FBI agent o_0)
I'm blushing hard reading the description! >///<
thanks to pinkwings for the tips!
*the first paragraph referring to the big big bed..*
Since everyone is familiar with this bed, I won't say much, those of u who don't know what this mean, please search for "Dou Hua[YUNJAE] 's bed in Shanghai" in baidubar.
refers to the two white pillows
Those who have common sense, when you see how the pillows are placed, you will automatically have 2 pictures in your mind, one is the person's back on the bed,this way having two pillows underneath would be more comfortable ; the other one is, the person sleeping on this pillow will be sleeping in a higher position than the one beside, this way, he can easily hug the person to sleep. As you all know, this bed is FQ who slept in it [who's FQ?], so it can be either yunho hugging jaejae to sleep or everyone can think about jaejae's queen style....in conclusion, the place where there are two pillows is the place where they slept.
refers to the the picture that has a lamp
And then it's about the lamp issue -- one lamp is switched on the other isn't.
Both sides of the bed have lamps, but why is it that only one of them is switched on? Those of you who have slept with another person in a king size bed would probably understand. If we analyse this like the "pillow" case, yunho hugging jaejae to sleep, then naturally, both of their sleeping positions will be towards yunho's side. So during the morning, yunho will switch on the light easily..then he will shake jaejae's little shoulders, saying gently :" Jaejae...wake up~.." Then he will give jaejae a peck on his forehead....what a wonderful morning.. {*w*..wonderful imagination..XD]
Another one, let's talk about the pile of pillows..= =
This is to prove once again that both of them were sleeping at one side of the bed. Everyone can see from the big picture that, only one side of the lamp is switched on, the other side of the bed is quite clean..., and the other is totally different, not only the blanket is a mess, there's a pile of pillows, I don't know how everyone is,but when I'm sleeping, my back will be facing the other side, I like to face that pile of pillows or dolls..soft toys.., Of course if yunho was in the same situation, when he's holding jaejae to sleep, he puts a lot of pillows behind him.
If yunho and jaejae have done some unusual "exercise"..then this pile of pillows can help minus the weight that is put on jaejae's waist..after "that", they will be going to sleep..jaejae must have been tired, then our wonderful couple will put all the pillows to their side, then make their bed, hugging jaejae to sleep. As for the coke on the right, according to my own opinion, there's still much coke, but on the other side(yunho's), there isn't much left..Why? you think for yourself. YY
credits : yien_luvxiah
so what do you think of it?
I started thinking of some naughty things
(LOL bad me....sorry my hormones getting work up!)
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