This is an awesome fanmade video! The video maker really got a pure skill.....I really hope that I can make something like this. Seriously, I still need to learn lots of things.
Its somekind of trailer Jaejoong in a (is it drama or a movie?) called 'Poseidon'. Its a story about coast guard or maritime police. So, Jaejoong will have some action!
credit : kokayz7
If Jaejoong really gonna cast in this drama, I really will anticipate it...We will see the coolest part of Baby Jae!!
Sep 25, 2010
Sep 20, 2010
Fan's Support for Junsu's Mozart Musical

[TRANS] 100917 Fan's Support for Junsu's Musical
This is the second fans support planned by PicnicXiah (Junsu's Korean fansite) for Junsu's musical, the day after Avex released the official statement to suspend JYJ's activities in Japan.
This time there were more people gathered for rehearsal.
We brought different types of simple food there during the rest time.
There are delicious rice balls which are suitable to eat whether in a warm sunny day or during the freezing cold weather and beautiful cupcakes . ^^
The beverage includes soft drinks, mate tea, lemon juice and so on.
When the staff opened the door to bring the food in, we heard Junsu's singing voice!
It sounded like a song in Elizabeth, it is really high pitched~~~ Such a coincidence that the part we heard was before the end of the song.
After the ending, all the actors bestowed him with thunderous applause.
TT TT TT TT Even the actors were all clapping their hands, not to mention us who brought the food there, we were applausing while standing TT TT TT TT
The staff and actors told Junsu, 'Please enjoy it~'
Junsu answered 'Okay~!!!', his mood seemed quite good, the atmopshere in the practise room was great too~
After they finished the food, the person who came out to greet us included the actors and director, as well as our main character Junsu!!! He suddenly showed up to greet us~
(Recently Junsu seems to exercise a lot, his muscles are attractive!!! TT.T)
We initially worried that Junsu might feel depressed due to the incident happened yesterday, but we were relieved when we saw his bright smile and the way he talked~
We only believe Junsu and we will support him with all our efforts. It is enough by doing so! ^.^
The following is Junsu's reply to the supportive postcard gave by PicnicXiah.
Junsu worried the fans will feel more fatigue than them so he wrote such message to us.
What we can do now, is to believe Junsu and continue to support him.
Message from PicnicXiah to Junsu
To: Genius Junsu who born like a star
Junsu ah, FIGHTING!
Everything will be alright. ^.^
The person with true ability is able to smile constantly, isn't it?
If we can't avoid it, then just enjoy it!
Junsu's reply
Seems to be too envious of us...
Even so, we will become stronger ^.^
Will always be thankful to you.
Credits: TVXQBaidu + 唯爱小俊吧 + PicnicXiah
Trans by: LoveInTheIce@DBSKnights
Shared by: DBSKnights + Saleisha Jae
Aww...such a heartwarming message....
The fans are great, all the food look delicious! I hope Junchan enjoys it.
I'm also worried about the boys after the announcement of JYJ's halting activity least now..I know that Junchan was fine...
I'm so relieved that our Junchan still smiling like always.
I wish the best for the musical, I know that Junchan is doing his best for the musical!
Junchan baby~ hwaiting!!
Sep 17, 2010
Yunjae's bedroom in Shanghai
This post contains Yunjaeism. Please step back if you're not into Yunjae.
I found this today!! excited!
I found the picture somewhere in the LJ (from a Yunjae author) and I ask around other fellow Cassies about it..

The picture was taken by Chinese ninja Cassies (lol they're awesome!).
They claimed that this is Yunjae's bedroom during Miroticon Shanghai, I think around October 4th 2009
They make an analysis out of the lamp condition, the pillow position and the coke volume (sound like a FBI agent o_0)
I'm blushing hard reading the description! >///<
thanks to pinkwings for the tips!
*the first paragraph referring to the big big bed..*
Since everyone is familiar with this bed, I won't say much, those of u who don't know what this mean, please search for "Dou Hua[YUNJAE] 's bed in Shanghai" in baidubar.
refers to the two white pillows
Those who have common sense, when you see how the pillows are placed, you will automatically have 2 pictures in your mind, one is the person's back on the bed,this way having two pillows underneath would be more comfortable ; the other one is, the person sleeping on this pillow will be sleeping in a higher position than the one beside, this way, he can easily hug the person to sleep. As you all know, this bed is FQ who slept in it [who's FQ?], so it can be either yunho hugging jaejae to sleep or everyone can think about jaejae's queen conclusion, the place where there are two pillows is the place where they slept.
refers to the the picture that has a lamp
And then it's about the lamp issue -- one lamp is switched on the other isn't.
Both sides of the bed have lamps, but why is it that only one of them is switched on? Those of you who have slept with another person in a king size bed would probably understand. If we analyse this like the "pillow" case, yunho hugging jaejae to sleep, then naturally, both of their sleeping positions will be towards yunho's side. So during the morning, yunho will switch on the light easily..then he will shake jaejae's little shoulders, saying gently :" Jaejae...wake up~.." Then he will give jaejae a peck on his forehead....what a wonderful morning.. {*w*..wonderful imagination..XD]
Another one, let's talk about the pile of pillows..= =
This is to prove once again that both of them were sleeping at one side of the bed. Everyone can see from the big picture that, only one side of the lamp is switched on, the other side of the bed is quite clean..., and the other is totally different, not only the blanket is a mess, there's a pile of pillows, I don't know how everyone is,but when I'm sleeping, my back will be facing the other side, I like to face that pile of pillows or dolls..soft toys.., Of course if yunho was in the same situation, when he's holding jaejae to sleep, he puts a lot of pillows behind him.
If yunho and jaejae have done some unusual "exercise"..then this pile of pillows can help minus the weight that is put on jaejae's waist..after "that", they will be going to sleep..jaejae must have been tired, then our wonderful couple will put all the pillows to their side, then make their bed, hugging jaejae to sleep. As for the coke on the right, according to my own opinion, there's still much coke, but on the other side(yunho's), there isn't much left..Why? you think for yourself. YY
credits : yien_luvxiah
so what do you think of it?
I started thinking of some naughty things
(LOL bad me....sorry my hormones getting work up!)
I found this today!! excited!
I found the picture somewhere in the LJ (from a Yunjae author) and I ask around other fellow Cassies about it..
The picture was taken by Chinese ninja Cassies (lol they're awesome!).
They claimed that this is Yunjae's bedroom during Miroticon Shanghai, I think around October 4th 2009
They make an analysis out of the lamp condition, the pillow position and the coke volume (sound like a FBI agent o_0)
I'm blushing hard reading the description! >///<
thanks to pinkwings for the tips!
*the first paragraph referring to the big big bed..*
Since everyone is familiar with this bed, I won't say much, those of u who don't know what this mean, please search for "Dou Hua[YUNJAE] 's bed in Shanghai" in baidubar.
refers to the two white pillows
Those who have common sense, when you see how the pillows are placed, you will automatically have 2 pictures in your mind, one is the person's back on the bed,this way having two pillows underneath would be more comfortable ; the other one is, the person sleeping on this pillow will be sleeping in a higher position than the one beside, this way, he can easily hug the person to sleep. As you all know, this bed is FQ who slept in it [who's FQ?], so it can be either yunho hugging jaejae to sleep or everyone can think about jaejae's queen conclusion, the place where there are two pillows is the place where they slept.
refers to the the picture that has a lamp
And then it's about the lamp issue -- one lamp is switched on the other isn't.
Both sides of the bed have lamps, but why is it that only one of them is switched on? Those of you who have slept with another person in a king size bed would probably understand. If we analyse this like the "pillow" case, yunho hugging jaejae to sleep, then naturally, both of their sleeping positions will be towards yunho's side. So during the morning, yunho will switch on the light easily..then he will shake jaejae's little shoulders, saying gently :" Jaejae...wake up~.." Then he will give jaejae a peck on his forehead....what a wonderful morning.. {*w*..wonderful imagination..XD]
Another one, let's talk about the pile of pillows..= =
This is to prove once again that both of them were sleeping at one side of the bed. Everyone can see from the big picture that, only one side of the lamp is switched on, the other side of the bed is quite clean..., and the other is totally different, not only the blanket is a mess, there's a pile of pillows, I don't know how everyone is,but when I'm sleeping, my back will be facing the other side, I like to face that pile of pillows or dolls..soft toys.., Of course if yunho was in the same situation, when he's holding jaejae to sleep, he puts a lot of pillows behind him.
If yunho and jaejae have done some unusual "exercise"..then this pile of pillows can help minus the weight that is put on jaejae's waist..after "that", they will be going to sleep..jaejae must have been tired, then our wonderful couple will put all the pillows to their side, then make their bed, hugging jaejae to sleep. As for the coke on the right, according to my own opinion, there's still much coke, but on the other side(yunho's), there isn't much left..Why? you think for yourself. YY
credits : yien_luvxiah
so what do you think of it?
I started thinking of some naughty things
(LOL bad me....sorry my hormones getting work up!)
Sep 15, 2010
[FANACC] Jaejoong propose by a man?
This post contains Yunjaeism. Please step back if you're not into Yunjae.
LOL LOL LOL XD I found this really funny fanaccount.
Its about Yunjae!
I'm really not sure if this is 100% TRUE , but anyway....I really need some Yunjae vitamin now (and I know it was the same for other Yunjae shipper out there need it too)...
so... a little imagination wouldn't harm right?
November 24, 2008 11:56 PM
Warning: The following information may make you feel uncomfortable
This is an account of an eye witness …
Have you seen this?
Jae Joong was proposed by a gay in Japan recently.
It’s the second time!
There was once when he just got into the entertainment industry…
It ended abruptly due to the shock caused, I suppose.
It seems that this time they need a longer time to deal with it
Therefore, I want to share this with you guys before the case gets isolated.
Without a doubt, Jae Joong’s pretty looks is very popular in Japan as well nehh~
Anyway, our Yunho reacted greatly to this incident.
That’s why I secretly brought up this secret to you.
It was a little past 12 [I guess he meant 12 midnight in this case],
That gay was wearing a suit and his looks weren’t really bad.
He was holding a bouquet of wild roses and was wandering in front of my house.
My friend thought that he was there for his girlfriend.
YunJae was going home at that time.
Jae Joong was a little ahead of Yunho when that gay looked at Jae with all his attention.
(actually my friend wanted to give Yunho a present, but he hid it up when he saw that gay)
Apparently our Jae Joong didn’t care about his existence.
Just as he was going into the house, he was grabbed at the arm by the gay.
Jae Joong asked “What?”
Yunho,who catched up later, also asked “Who are you?”
The gay totally ignored Yunho, and handed the flowers to Jae,
before saying “The wild roses that are as red as your lips...these are for you.”
Jae Joong, who was expressionless at that point of time, suddenly came to his senses
and blinked his eyes with surprise. His body also froze.
The gay immediately knelt down before him and said “These flowers…are you willing to accept them?”
Jae covered his mouth and gave out his unique and famous laugh.
Yunho suddenly snatched the flowers and said “Mister, this is not right…”(but why must he snatch his flowers?)
The gay replied “don’t tell me you’re his lover…”
Yunho at that moment could only give an uneasy smile, while our Jae collapsed onto da ground and cried with his hands covering his face.
I thought he cried, but later I realized that he was laughing like hell.
Mr. Gay was looking at Yunho and saying “Jae Joong is mine…”
Yunho replied “okokok, I know, can you leave now?”
The gay, once again, replied “I will not leave unless Jae Joong accepts my flowers.”
So Jae Joong took the flowers from Yunho’s hands and gave a sniff before asking “Will that do?”
Mr. Gay nodded profusely and asked “please be with me.” [guess you know what that means right?!]
Jae at that point of time said something while laughing, but I couldn’t hear it clearly.
Then Yunho grabbed Jae’s wrist, snatched the flowers from his hands and they went home.
Other than me, there were other Japanese fans when this happened.
As Mr. Gay was going off, the fans were all chasing after him, wanting to find out more about him.
I have only until here to share.
Only one sentence: YUNHO! EXCELLENT!
But it seems like these kind of things are very common in Japan…
(the rest of the account is not important..)
credits: OST and Crunchyroll
shared by: Saleisha Jae
“The wild roses that are as red as your lips...these are for you.”
I lol so hard at this line...gosh it was so cheesy.... (of course I agree with it cause Jae's lips are so tempting!) but....that line was for Yunho!!! XD
Yunho is so over protective ne? and Jae...he accept it in such way.... just laugh and stuff (I don't know how to explain..)
I really don't know if it was TRUE or FALSE... but I hope its true *making puppy eyes*
LOL LOL LOL XD I found this really funny fanaccount.
Its about Yunjae!
I'm really not sure if this is 100% TRUE , but anyway....I really need some Yunjae vitamin now (and I know it was the same for other Yunjae shipper out there need it too)...
so... a little imagination wouldn't harm right?
November 24, 2008 11:56 PM
Warning: The following information may make you feel uncomfortable
This is an account of an eye witness …
Have you seen this?
Jae Joong was proposed by a gay in Japan recently.
It’s the second time!
There was once when he just got into the entertainment industry…
It ended abruptly due to the shock caused, I suppose.
It seems that this time they need a longer time to deal with it
Therefore, I want to share this with you guys before the case gets isolated.
Without a doubt, Jae Joong’s pretty looks is very popular in Japan as well nehh~
Anyway, our Yunho reacted greatly to this incident.
That’s why I secretly brought up this secret to you.
It was a little past 12 [I guess he meant 12 midnight in this case],
That gay was wearing a suit and his looks weren’t really bad.
He was holding a bouquet of wild roses and was wandering in front of my house.
My friend thought that he was there for his girlfriend.
YunJae was going home at that time.
Jae Joong was a little ahead of Yunho when that gay looked at Jae with all his attention.
(actually my friend wanted to give Yunho a present, but he hid it up when he saw that gay)
Apparently our Jae Joong didn’t care about his existence.
Just as he was going into the house, he was grabbed at the arm by the gay.
Jae Joong asked “What?”
Yunho,who catched up later, also asked “Who are you?”
The gay totally ignored Yunho, and handed the flowers to Jae,
before saying “The wild roses that are as red as your lips...these are for you.”
Jae Joong, who was expressionless at that point of time, suddenly came to his senses
and blinked his eyes with surprise. His body also froze.
The gay immediately knelt down before him and said “These flowers…are you willing to accept them?”
Jae covered his mouth and gave out his unique and famous laugh.
Yunho suddenly snatched the flowers and said “Mister, this is not right…”(but why must he snatch his flowers?)
The gay replied “don’t tell me you’re his lover…”
Yunho at that moment could only give an uneasy smile, while our Jae collapsed onto da ground and cried with his hands covering his face.
I thought he cried, but later I realized that he was laughing like hell.
Mr. Gay was looking at Yunho and saying “Jae Joong is mine…”
Yunho replied “okokok, I know, can you leave now?”
The gay, once again, replied “I will not leave unless Jae Joong accepts my flowers.”
So Jae Joong took the flowers from Yunho’s hands and gave a sniff before asking “Will that do?”
Mr. Gay nodded profusely and asked “please be with me.” [guess you know what that means right?!]
Jae at that point of time said something while laughing, but I couldn’t hear it clearly.
Then Yunho grabbed Jae’s wrist, snatched the flowers from his hands and they went home.
Other than me, there were other Japanese fans when this happened.
As Mr. Gay was going off, the fans were all chasing after him, wanting to find out more about him.
I have only until here to share.
Only one sentence: YUNHO! EXCELLENT!
But it seems like these kind of things are very common in Japan…
(the rest of the account is not important..)
credits: OST and Crunchyroll
shared by: Saleisha Jae
“The wild roses that are as red as your lips...these are for you.”
I lol so hard at this line...gosh it was so cheesy.... (of course I agree with it cause Jae's lips are so tempting!) but....that line was for Yunho!!! XD
Yunho is so over protective ne? and Jae...he accept it in such way.... just laugh and stuff (I don't know how to explain..)
I really don't know if it was TRUE or FALSE... but I hope its true *making puppy eyes*
Sep 13, 2010
Jaejoong had done plastic surgery?
well..did you ever had this kind of question in your head?
I do....
and up until now..I'm still not sure whether Jaejoong had done some plastic surgery or not.
Some people said that he DO some plastic surgery on his nose and eyes (double-eyelid)
and some people said NO! Jaejoong never done any plastic surgery
Actually I don't mind whether our boys had done plastic surgery or not. Besides, its common for celebrities to do plastic surgery right? They're celebrities, they need to look good anyway....
However, I have been thinking about this for quite few times. From my constant observation (staring at Jae's pictures on my laptop while drooling) somehow I believe that he never done any plastic surgery.
Because Jae has that big eyes and double eyelid since his trainee days.
Besides, he already have those double eyelid since TVXQ debut years. If you said that he had plastic surgery during debut..tell me, how can he have plastic in his debut years? They're still new, where did the money come from? Come on..SM is not that nice!
*note : the picture that I post cannot give you any proof, I just put it coz I wanna stare at my hubby's face
Jaejoong's biological mother also had double eyelid, come on..... surely that those beautiful angel eyes of Jaejoong come from his mother!
its in the gene!
(excuse me, I'm greeting my mother in-law... :-p)
I'm not that good in showing proofs and debate the truth. But, I found this!
credit : heongri
I'm quite sure the video show you the real truth. I'm agree with the video maker. She had shown you all the truth with proofs.
Anyway....if what I believe is not true (coz we still don't know the real truth, Jae never said anything about plastic surgery)
For baby Jae still the beautiful angel ever!
Sep 5, 2010
[PIC+VID+AUD+DL] JYJ Mini Album "The..."
Finally!! Jejung / Yuchun / Junsu had released their album [The...]

**throws confetti* *throws confetti**
[PIC] JYJ Mini Album "The..." [Album Jacket]
*the ring that Jae wears here, he gave it to a fan in Lotte promotional event in Seoul.
that girl was sure lucky! >.<
credits :
[HQ] *click on image to enlarge

[Photo card]

credits : Infinity HK
[VID] 100905 CDTV - Album Express [The...]
credits : DBxTOHO7
[AUD] JYJ [The...] Mini Album Audio
[Mini-ALBUM] JYJ – 「The…」
Release Date : 2010.09.08
Genre : Dance, Ballad
Language : Japanese
Release Date : 2010.09.08
Genre : Dance, Ballad
Language : Japanese
01 いつだって君に
02 Get Ready
03 Long Way
04 W
05 いつだって君に (Instrumental)
06 Get Ready (Instrumental)
07 Long Way (Instrumental)
08 W (Instrumental)
02 Get Ready
03 Long Way
04 W
05 いつだって君に (Instrumental)
06 Get Ready (Instrumental)
07 Long Way (Instrumental)
08 W (Instrumental)
Itsu Datte Kimi Ni
Get Ready
Long Way
credit: tommyboysound
[DL] Download link for JYJ Mini Album "The..." [CD only]
Download [The...] JYJ Mini Album
** Although the download link is here, please support our boys by purchasing the album once it is available in your country.
*** thanks to dorfehh for the tips!
p/s : I also promise to myself that I will buy the album once it is available in my place. So, Cassies! start saving your money!
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