[TRANS] 100811
40-45 minutes into the radio interview
Jonghyun: If not, then let me ask you in another way; Minho’s closest member in TVXQ, Choikang Changmin said “Our explosive charismatic Minho ah~ your hyung can’t sleep right now, so can you sing a song for me?”
Onew: Wait, this is Changmin senior…
Jonghyun: Sorry, Changmin teacher said it. What song would Minho sing for Changmin?
Key: It must be hard
Minho: Honestly, Changmin has been pretty depressed lately…
Jonghyun: Just what did Minho sing to Changmin?
Minho: Changmin-hyung has a song he really likes, but doesn’t listen to it often because it’s his cellphone ringtone… I’m the one who listens to it more so I sang it to him
Jonghyun: What song is it?
Minho: It’s called “Confession of a Passionate Man”. ‘It’s not like that, my heart isn’t like that, for you, only left with a prepared confession, if it isn’t just my love for you, compared to this, I have more romantically sweet words in store…’
Jonghyun: That was well sang. We’ll clap 3 times, but ‘tallest Chang-god’…
Everyone: HAHAHA
Jonghyun: So this was for ‘tallest Changmin senior’?
Minho: Yes
Jonghyun: ‘It’s not like that, my heart isn’t like that…’
Minho: No, this is just the song I wanted to sing
Onew: The people who are listening to this radio show right now may misunderstand their relationship. Some people took Minho’s back for a girl’s, so photos of him and Changmin sitting together were mistook as Changmin’s rumored girlfriend. How did you feel when you first heard of this?
Minho: Very imposing, that was my first rumor ever
Jonghyun: Your first rumor was with TVXQ’s tallest Changmin, and then the song you wanted to sing for him was “Confession”
Onew: Wait, this is Changmin senior…
Jonghyun: Sorry, Changmin teacher said it. What song would Minho sing for Changmin?
Key: It must be hard
Minho: Honestly, Changmin has been pretty depressed lately…
Jonghyun: Just what did Minho sing to Changmin?
Minho: Changmin-hyung has a song he really likes, but doesn’t listen to it often because it’s his cellphone ringtone… I’m the one who listens to it more so I sang it to him
Jonghyun: What song is it?
Minho: It’s called “Confession of a Passionate Man”. ‘It’s not like that, my heart isn’t like that, for you, only left with a prepared confession, if it isn’t just my love for you, compared to this, I have more romantically sweet words in store…’
Jonghyun: That was well sang. We’ll clap 3 times, but ‘tallest Chang-god’…
Everyone: HAHAHA
Jonghyun: So this was for ‘tallest Changmin senior’?
Minho: Yes
Jonghyun: ‘It’s not like that, my heart isn’t like that…’
Minho: No, this is just the song I wanted to sing
Onew: The people who are listening to this radio show right now may misunderstand their relationship. Some people took Minho’s back for a girl’s, so photos of him and Changmin sitting together were mistook as Changmin’s rumored girlfriend. How did you feel when you first heard of this?
Minho: Very imposing, that was my first rumor ever
Jonghyun: Your first rumor was with TVXQ’s tallest Changmin, and then the song you wanted to sing for him was “Confession”
Minho: At that time, I was attending TVXQ’s Yunho senior’s Michael Jackson Memorial Concert performance. It was really cold that day, so I started talking with Changmin about the weather and such.
Jonghyun: Do you want to send him an audio message?
Minho: Why make an audio message all of a sudden?
Onew: If we let you do it, then you have to do it! We’re the DJ’s
Minho: My first rumor wasn’t with a girl, but rather, a guy. To me, it is a huge honor. However, because of the rumor, our relationship has become more cautious and demure. I hope it won’t be like this later on, because you are my most loved hyung, yet I’m still inadequate to be called your dongsaeng. I will do my best, and I wish we can continue to maintain our relationship in the future.
Jonghyun: Do you want to send him an audio message?
Minho: Why make an audio message all of a sudden?
Onew: If we let you do it, then you have to do it! We’re the DJ’s
Minho: My first rumor wasn’t with a girl, but rather, a guy. To me, it is a huge honor. However, because of the rumor, our relationship has become more cautious and demure. I hope it won’t be like this later on, because you are my most loved hyung, yet I’m still inadequate to be called your dongsaeng. I will do my best, and I wish we can continue to maintain our relationship in the future.
Source: [baidutvxq]Translation credits: Supernike911@tohosomnia.net
Shared by: tohosomnia.netDo not remove/add on any credits
Shared by: tohosomnia.netDo not remove/add on any credits
Omoooo....this is so cute >.<
I like it whenever Minho says something about our Lord Min, they had a really good friendship.
They talk about the rumor

Well...can't help it, Minho really look like a girl from back isn't it? With long hair...
Seriously.....when this gossip was out, I laugh very hard coz I found it very funny and stupid XDDD
Minho also mentioned
that Lord Min was depressed lately...I hope our Lord will cheer up.
Minho-shi....please cheer up your hyung whenever he feel depressed ok? Sing him that song whenever Lord Min told you to do so. THIS IS AN ORDER! lol
Wanna hear Minho singing the song? It was "Confession" by Hot Potato.
credits : Randy 199977
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