This post contains Yunjaeism. If you're not into Yunjae, please step back. You've been warned
credits : Yunjae HavenDome
picture : as tagged
shared by : Saleisha Jae
a/n 1 : This was taken from
It's not my own personal experience. Full credits to the writer of the site.
I was invited at a b-day party at a girl friends house and I had a once in a lifetime chance to talk to an elderly man, he is actually 60 years old or older*not sure*. But he is very well known because it was said that he has a psychic power and he can read minds and can feel your presence like he can see through walls. He was very well known and people has a big trust on his abilities. His mind readings are accurate and tested.
I was nervous as hell when it happened. I was damn trembling because he just said what was going on through my mind! *freak out* Having the chance I talk to him if he can do a mind reading of sort with just a video.He said yes as long as the eyes are clear to see.
Yunho mind reading
*Shows video of Yunho from Ipad*
He kept quiet for a second watching every movements from Yunho. When Yunho had a close-up he came closer to the screen like he was trying to read his eyes. Then later…he said
A: This man…is a man of responsibilities, he is man with a two face masks. He has a kind heart and he is man with a lot of friends but he can be insensitive at times and results to inflicting pain to another without his knowledge.
B: Sir is he in a relationship with anyone right now?
A: A relationship with a man or a woman?
B: Huh? What do you mean? You mean he is gay? *SHOCK*
A: No…he is in between society and emotions.
B: What do you mean Sir?
A: He is a broken man. He loves so deeply it caused him a lifetime of pain. A love for a man made him vulnerable to a lot of pain but a love from a woman can somehow heal him.
B: Did he ever love a man? *Wants to refer to Jae*
A: Yes… for so many years. He had memories filled with the man’s face.
B: Is he still in love with him? *Giddy*
A: Yes…deep inside his heart, but he is confused his heart feels like it’s floating in a garden of roses where there are more thorns than roses.
B: I don’t understand sir, what do you mean?
A: There’s a thick line separating him from that man, he is missing.
B: Are they communicating or something? *Sad now*
A: Yes, probably… a lot of misunderstandings are getting in between causing them to almost collapse.
B: How about a love for a woman?
A: It depends on him, he has been in love with a girl back then so it’s not difficult to fall for another again but he is the faithful type so it’s hard to break his self built wall.
B: How about now? *Fuck off flirty bitches hahaha*
A: His mind doesn’t have images of a girl worthy of being together but he loves to spend time with them, a friendship is a good thing and a bad thing at the same time… It is a 50% chance.
A: Is he a dancer and singer at the same time?
B: *shock* *Never mention anything about Yunhos background * Yes, he is…a very popular singer and actor.
A: Oh…that’s why… the man he loves is also a dear friend? Someone who knows him very well I can see him holding hands with that man in the eyes of the people.
A: You *points his fingers*
B: Yes? What is it? *nervous all of a sudden*
A: I see, You are thinking of him as someone who is cheating behind his lovers back.
B: *shock* (Pissed off because of YunRa Rumors)
A: Yes… both of them are hurting and coping with pain of separation in different angles and it pushes them to do things that might be too stupid in your eyes.
If you want to see the real truth have a close eye in watching them because every move is a hint towards the future, A single move changes the flow of time and reunions might come earlier or never. Be careful on how you react or else it will pay off something that you might regret.
Jaejoong mind reading

*Shows Video of Jaejoong*
He did the same thing with the one with Yunho oppa. When Jaejoong had a close-up he came closer to the screen like he was trying to read his eyes. Then he said…
A: This man is someone full of confidence but deep inside he is insecure. He is a very warm person whom attracts people to be with him and he is not afraid to show himself, he wants to be open. He is gentle and sweet but also someone who is easily swept away. He is someone true to his skin.
B: Is he in a relationship?
A: No… he is faithful and his sweetness is something that makes people misunderstood.
B: Is he gay?
A: *Looks deep into my eyes* He is quite frank, what do you think about his actions?
B: I don’t know Sir…but sometimes I think he is…
A: I won’t answer that anymore, you need to believe what you know is true because your thoughts are mixing with his.
B: *gasps*What do you see in him sir?
A: He is a very stubborn man and sometimes he never listens. He is very sensitive to other people feelings and can be easily hurt by criticisms but his straightforward quality is a good thing.
B: Will he love someone new this year?
A: His future is still changing every second, a new relationship might blossom if he has given up but from what I see, he is still holding on.
B: Holding on to what?
A: His past love… he wants to hold on to a promise of once again. A new beginning
B: A reunion?
A: Two hearts will be one and five birds will nest on the same tree.
B: I don’t understand sir, whose heart will be together again? And five birds? *OMO!*
A: Two people might reunite and friendship starts again from the start. It all depends in their chosen paths.
B: Is he okay, I mean is he staying healthy and well? *worried because of Jae's pic with his eyes bandage*
A: Yes, he has a bright future ahead, a well built body to protect himself and heal fast, he will move from a rock to a jewel of a road.
B: Will he find someone who will love him truly? *looking forward*
A: He already did… someone who is very close to him and comfortable to be with, he doesn’t mind being intimate with that person but that person is nowhere near him right now but someday they might be together again, eternity plays its role. It plays from time to time but just like a human it needs to rest too and that’s the time that he will be happy again. A time to love once again
B: Are rumors true about him? *listening intently*
A: He didn’t think of it as something bothering, a rumor is a rumor as long as it’s not true it’s fine.
B: What should Jaejoong do to make it work? *nervous all of a sudden*
A: Hmnn...A love for someone who is far is a big responsibility to both sides, patience is needed and trust is a big deal. If you want to keep it going remember the words of the one you love, never believe in rumors for it might only taint your relationship instead focus on the relationship and build a love that can never be taken down.
a/n 2 : Dear fellow Yunjae shipper, I'm sure you know how I felt after I'm reading this.