This post contains Yunjaeism. Please step back if you're not into Yunjae! You've been warned
It is already twice time I read YunJae fortune teller.
first :
Ok, so I went to this fortune teller since I was curious. I showed
her a picture of Yunho and here’s what she said. *My friend
was there to take down notes just in case ^^* (note that this fortune teller is different from the one my friend went to)
Me: Hi, can you tell me about him? *shows pic of Yunho*
FT: *looks* what’s his name?
Me: Yunho, He’s korean.
FT: well he certainly is handsome *laughs* But I can tell you that
he’s been through a lot of stress recently. The features on his face tells me that in his life, there will be many bumpy roads. Especially in love.
Me: Really?
FT: Yes. If I’m not mistaken, He is gay right?
Me: Gay?
FT: Yes gay. I can see that he is in love…but with someone he’s not supposed to be. My guess, a beautiful man.
Me: *speechless* Yes!!! There is a man he likes to hang around with all the time! He is in love
with him?
FT: Yes, but also he is in pain. It seems like, this man cannot be
with the one he loves because of separation.
Me: Can you describe the man?
FT:…Hmmm, he has very beautiful eyes….and a strong personality. That’s all I can get right now.
Me: Will they ever be together again even though they are
FT: The path for love is going to be bumpy for them but they’ll make it. It all depends on what road they choose to be happy. I
have to say, this is the first time I have ever gotten such a strong
feeling about my fortunes.
Me: *hype* Is there anything else about them?
FT: For now, no. But I have a VERY strong feeling they are still
loving each other deeply. They are fated together.
Me: OMG…Seriously?
FT: Yes. Just a matter of time before fate brings them back
together again.
Me: *smiles like an idiot* THANK YOU MADAME! *drags my friend along out the door, both squealing in glee.*
LOL, that was my story. I am just so hype that the fortune teller said the exact same thing as the other one. Now Let’s just hope what she said is going to come
Yay! So many comments! LOL, my friend, she went to a fortune teller in NYC and she asked the fortune teller were Jaejoong and Yunho meant for each other.
Fortune teller: They are fated together. Even though their paths will be a bit shaky, their love will find a way.
Friend: OMG, but they are both guys. Won’t it be weird?
Fortune teller: Yes but, this one *points to pic of JJ* has a feminine side. These two are fated with each other so don’t worry.
Friend:….*mouth gaps open* Are you sure?
Fortune teller: My fortunes are 99.9% right all the time. Why would I lie?
Friend: Thank you! *squeals in glee*
(This fortune came from the same woman who predicted the earthquake when I was about to go to china and warned me not to go. I truly believe that she is telling the truth!)
LOL! I was so happy after reading that I’m just so hype! I’m going to do that too!
P.S. I have noticed that I have MANY mistakes in my writing so from now on, I WILL PROOF READ! XD && this year, YunJae is BOOMING! So many new rumors and 90% of them are true :3
and the new one…
about a girl ask her teacher(also a fortune teller) about YUNJAE~
My teacher said, at YunJae birthday, they felt lonely…
They felt, there’s no somebody could make ‘em happy.
and, he said
“I Know they’re really being seperated and, sorry Sarah
I Couldn’t predictions when this ‘hell’ be ended.
But, i feel so speechless to this couple coz they keep their love..
no matter what happen and no matter how many disaster against ‘em.
Yunho, he still can handle this feeling though it was really, really,
and really hurt..
But, Jaejoong the ‘girl’, can’t handle this feelings..
He’s smile outside but cries a lot inside even,
his family or his friends dunno the truth..
The truth..that he only need one person, one man and it’s Yunho..
he told the lies that he already forgotten jae for the simple one,
Yunho did White Lies for Jae..
If i’m not get mistaken, it was company’s problem rite?
The company told Yunho that they’ll make Jae suffering if he
(Yunho) keeps dun want said that he still ‘love’ Jae.
So, Yunho did that..
Lemme tell u,
Jae, wanna kill him self before..
u said, at his birthday party, he goes drunk with his friends rite?
exactly.. *my teacher hold jae’s pict*
he wants get drunk until he die but,
some his friends stop it only that i knew..
Yunho, he gets depressed a lot..
feel how stupid he is and feel how can he said that things to his beloved Jae..
*My teacher touched my shoulder*
If u love them, believe them, dun give up.
.Like i said before,
they will comeback someday don’t be too upset, Sarah..
Be patient for ‘em..
Coz, they’re love each other
and they feelings to each otha is really deep more than i realize..”
Cr : n
source :
shared by :
OMG! I don't know what to's just the most beautiful thing ever in the world. Everything about Yunjae is beautiful (seriously..)
I believe that Yunjae really going through hard times these days...but they still love each other really deeply..
About Yunho telling white lies for the sake of Jae
and about Jae trying to kill himself??? emm... Maybe only half of it was true.
I'm sure Jae did cry a lot (we've all witness it Cassies)
But in the end..they'll end up together again..lets just look forward for that to day..
the day..when true love...come together again.
Feb 27, 2011
Feb 24, 2011
A Female Celebrity Confessed Her Feeling to Yunho
On a recent broadcast of SBS’s FM radio show “Choi Hwa Jung’s Power Time” on February 21st, TVXQ’s Yunho revealed that there was a time when a female celebrity confessed her feelings for him.
Yunho revealed, “There was a time when a certain female celebrity confessed her feelings for me. She texted me first and we started to text casually, but once you keep talking, you begin to start to like each other and get closer.”
He continued, “But then when the girl confesses to me in secret, because of my blunt personality, there are times when I miss the messages in between the lines.”
Changmin chimed in like a boss, “For me, even when a female celebrity confesses their feelings, I just turn down all of them. When a text comes, I don’t even bother replying.”
Who do you think this female celebrity could be?
Source: My Daily via Daum Media
Credit: allkpop
LOL Changmin...okay my Lord...just turn down all of them! we're more than happy ^^
Well.....I'm kinda not suprised
We're talking about Jung Yunho of the gorgeous god! Of course there are some female celebrity that can't help but fall in love with him...but sorry ladies, Jung Yunho is taken! by Kim Jaejoong of course~ haha XD
Now I wonder who the female celeb....any guess???
Feb 22, 2011
Akanishi Jin Super Sensitive Collarbone
Frankly said, I'm not really into Jpop. Seriously...the only Jpop artist that I adore is Tohoshinki. LOL that is so obvious.
However, it doesn't mean that I don't know any....
I know some famous artist like Arashi, KAT-TUN, Hey! Say Jump, AKB48, Koda Kumi, Ayumi Hamasaki, News etc etc...
Recently, Kat-tun Akanishi Jin attract my attention when I found out about his sensitive collarbone.
I think it is so cute >///< Jin will squealed like a girl whenever someone touches his collarbone
LOL I never know someone can be so sensitive about his/her collarbone.
that MC is enjoying torturing Jin...XD
I think the camera man touches his collarbone..thats why he screams.
Well....since Jin already attract my attention...maybe I'll try to look into them after this.
Anyone knew other video like this? I wanna see Jin screams again! Haha!
p/s: actually I found out about this when I was searching for Akame couple.
However, it doesn't mean that I don't know any....
I know some famous artist like Arashi, KAT-TUN, Hey! Say Jump, AKB48, Koda Kumi, Ayumi Hamasaki, News etc etc...
Recently, Kat-tun Akanishi Jin attract my attention when I found out about his sensitive collarbone.
I think it is so cute >///< Jin will squealed like a girl whenever someone touches his collarbone
LOL I never know someone can be so sensitive about his/her collarbone.
that MC is enjoying torturing Jin...XD
I think the camera man touches his collarbone..thats why he screams.
Well....since Jin already attract my attention...maybe I'll try to look into them after this.
Anyone knew other video like this? I wanna see Jin screams again! Haha!
p/s: actually I found out about this when I was searching for Akame couple.
[FANACC] 110218 Changmin's Birthday Event
As soon as Minho (the MC) walked on stage, he started to continuously praise Changmin, saying things like 'Changmin hyung is invincible, he's so handsome. Ah how can he be so good looking?'
CM: Don't make me scream at you in front of my fans.
LOL Minmin..just scream..they don't mind XD
When they were talking, they were sitting quite some distance away from the audience, so the fans said 'Oppa move forward!' Changmin agreed while shuffling forward with Yunho and Minho, then lifted his head and said 'Come forward come forward, how dare you talk to me without using honorifics!'
mianhe~~ haha XP
In order to calm everyone down and make them listen to Changmin, Yunho said 'Everyone clap your hands 3 times'. Changmin said 'This is like in university where the professor has an assistant sitting beside him. Yunho hyung is really good at this kind of thing.'
LOL assistant Yunho helping Professor Changmin
Minho: There was one time when Changmin was reversing his car and nearly crashed into something, he let out a sigh of relief afterwards and said to himself 'Changmin-ah, calm down, everything is okay'
Changmin explained that that was the sort of thing he would only do when he is alone but forgot that Minho was on his car that time.
Yunho was holding Changmin's hand when he wished him happy birthday. Changmin asked Yunho why he was holding his hand and the fans told them to kiss.
CM: I like women, how am I supposed to kiss a man?
YH: I'm a man too.
Credits: Weibo
Trans by: dorfehh@DBSKnights
Shared by: DBSKnights+Ghania's Life
Changmin: Thank you for attending my birthday part. Who am I to receive so much love from you all? Ha, thank you. I'll work hard in the future to repay you for your love.
Who are you? You're our Lord Voldemin!! of course we love love you sweety
Oh need to work hard, but don't push yourself
As soon as Changmin walked on stage, fans started screaming. Changmin asked 'You scream over everything. What is there to scream about?' Minho started to praise Changmin along with the fans, dishing out random compliments, saying that the way Changmin was sitting looked really cool. Changmin replied 'I'm just doing what our colleage Choi Siwon does'
everything about the Dong Bang boys are worth screaming!!!
As Minho was giving him compliments, Changmin tilted his head and smiled. It was cute.
Changmin was given a board and asked to illustrate the ups and downs of his life in the form of a line. There was x and y-axes on the board:
Above the x-axis - high points of his life
Below - low points
CM: Are you really asking me to hand draw this? I thought this thing was automatic! The type where you just prod it and it draws the thing itself.
The life line began from the moment Changmin was born (obviously), and he said 'I think I was particularly attractive at that point in my life, I had such milky smooth skin!' In response, Minho changed 'Milky skin Shim Changmin! We love you Shim Changmin!' several times along with the fans.
(Still drawing the life line) At 5 years old, Changmin said he was a clueless child. Minho asked 'Could you belt high notes the same way you do now back then?' Changmin answered 'Of course not! Back then I didn't even know what an artist was or what an idol was. All I knew was that I was my mom's child!' (At this point, his life line was moving up)
Later on, Changmin talked about meeting his first girlfriend and his life line went up in a straight line to its highest point then descended to its lowest when he got dumped. Here the fans all screamed in unison and then sighed in unison. Changmin: 'Just now when I said I got dumped, you guys screamed so loud and were so high about it! Aish!'
LOL XD can't help it my Lord
Yunho held Changmin's hand and spoke for quite some time. As he was talking, Changmin asked 'Is there really a need to keep holding my hand?' Yunho ignored him and kept talking. He didn't let go until he was done.
Fans screamed at them to kiss and Changmin said 'I'm a normal man. Compared to men, I like women a lot better okay? You guys have to have some consideration for Yunho who is kissing me, and for me, the one who is being kissed!'
They didn't kiss in the end but they did hug.
When Changmin was picking the fans' questions to answer, he and Minho were chatting whilst Yunho kept quiet most of the time. Eventually Yunho got annoyed and yelled 'LOOK AT ME!'
As he was answering the questions, Yunho kept drinking water and said to the fans 'Pay attention you guys!' Changmin replied 'They'd focus on me if you stopped drinking water.'
Leadershii is too hot to resist!
When they performed 'Why', one of the dancers pushed Changmin to the front after undoing all the buttons on his clothes and his abs were visible (T/N: O_____O). However, as soon as Yunho started singing, Changmin ran behind him and buttoned his clothes back up.
When he was drawing his life line, Changmin started to talk about each year in detail after he reached 20. Minho butt in and said 'As the MC, I was going to request that, didn't think you'd take the initiative…' Changmin retorted 'No matter how you look at it, I did debut a lot earlier than you…'
Whenever Changmin mentioned something depressing, the fans would sigh, and Changmin would say 'Stop being all sympathetic!' And they'd scream instead. Then Changmin would complain again, mumbling 'Well there's no need to be that excited either…'
Alternative translation of the above.
When the lawsuit was brought up, Changmin said 'Right now I can smile while talking about it, but nevertheless, it's still… ' and trailed off. The fans let out sighs of sympathy and Changmin said 'I don't need you to make such noises' and then the fans started screaming again. Chngmin's face darkened as he muttered 'It's not anything to get excited about'
Credits: Max Bar + Weibo
Trans by: dorfehh@DBSKnights
Shared by: DBSKnights+Saleisha Jae
HAPPY 24TH BIRTHDAY SHIM CHANGMIN (i know its its belated)

CM: Don't make me scream at you in front of my fans.
LOL Minmin..just scream..they don't mind XD
When they were talking, they were sitting quite some distance away from the audience, so the fans said 'Oppa move forward!' Changmin agreed while shuffling forward with Yunho and Minho, then lifted his head and said 'Come forward come forward, how dare you talk to me without using honorifics!'
mianhe~~ haha XP
In order to calm everyone down and make them listen to Changmin, Yunho said 'Everyone clap your hands 3 times'. Changmin said 'This is like in university where the professor has an assistant sitting beside him. Yunho hyung is really good at this kind of thing.'
LOL assistant Yunho helping Professor Changmin
Minho: There was one time when Changmin was reversing his car and nearly crashed into something, he let out a sigh of relief afterwards and said to himself 'Changmin-ah, calm down, everything is okay'
Changmin explained that that was the sort of thing he would only do when he is alone but forgot that Minho was on his car that time.
Yunho was holding Changmin's hand when he wished him happy birthday. Changmin asked Yunho why he was holding his hand and the fans told them to kiss.
CM: I like women, how am I supposed to kiss a man?
YH: I'm a man too.
Credits: Weibo
Trans by: dorfehh@DBSKnights
Shared by: DBSKnights+Ghania's Life

Who are you? You're our Lord Voldemin!! of course we love love you sweety
Oh need to work hard, but don't push yourself
As soon as Changmin walked on stage, fans started screaming. Changmin asked 'You scream over everything. What is there to scream about?' Minho started to praise Changmin along with the fans, dishing out random compliments, saying that the way Changmin was sitting looked really cool. Changmin replied 'I'm just doing what our colleage Choi Siwon does'
everything about the Dong Bang boys are worth screaming!!!
As Minho was giving him compliments, Changmin tilted his head and smiled. It was cute.
Changmin was given a board and asked to illustrate the ups and downs of his life in the form of a line. There was x and y-axes on the board:
Above the x-axis - high points of his life
Below - low points
CM: Are you really asking me to hand draw this? I thought this thing was automatic! The type where you just prod it and it draws the thing itself.
The life line began from the moment Changmin was born (obviously), and he said 'I think I was particularly attractive at that point in my life, I had such milky smooth skin!' In response, Minho changed 'Milky skin Shim Changmin! We love you Shim Changmin!' several times along with the fans.
(Still drawing the life line) At 5 years old, Changmin said he was a clueless child. Minho asked 'Could you belt high notes the same way you do now back then?' Changmin answered 'Of course not! Back then I didn't even know what an artist was or what an idol was. All I knew was that I was my mom's child!' (At this point, his life line was moving up)
Later on, Changmin talked about meeting his first girlfriend and his life line went up in a straight line to its highest point then descended to its lowest when he got dumped. Here the fans all screamed in unison and then sighed in unison. Changmin: 'Just now when I said I got dumped, you guys screamed so loud and were so high about it! Aish!'
LOL XD can't help it my Lord
Yunho held Changmin's hand and spoke for quite some time. As he was talking, Changmin asked 'Is there really a need to keep holding my hand?' Yunho ignored him and kept talking. He didn't let go until he was done.
Fans screamed at them to kiss and Changmin said 'I'm a normal man. Compared to men, I like women a lot better okay? You guys have to have some consideration for Yunho who is kissing me, and for me, the one who is being kissed!'
They didn't kiss in the end but they did hug.
When Changmin was picking the fans' questions to answer, he and Minho were chatting whilst Yunho kept quiet most of the time. Eventually Yunho got annoyed and yelled 'LOOK AT ME!'
As he was answering the questions, Yunho kept drinking water and said to the fans 'Pay attention you guys!' Changmin replied 'They'd focus on me if you stopped drinking water.'
Leadershii is too hot to resist!
When they performed 'Why', one of the dancers pushed Changmin to the front after undoing all the buttons on his clothes and his abs were visible (T/N: O_____O). However, as soon as Yunho started singing, Changmin ran behind him and buttoned his clothes back up.
When he was drawing his life line, Changmin started to talk about each year in detail after he reached 20. Minho butt in and said 'As the MC, I was going to request that, didn't think you'd take the initiative…' Changmin retorted 'No matter how you look at it, I did debut a lot earlier than you…'
Whenever Changmin mentioned something depressing, the fans would sigh, and Changmin would say 'Stop being all sympathetic!' And they'd scream instead. Then Changmin would complain again, mumbling 'Well there's no need to be that excited either…'
Alternative translation of the above.
When the lawsuit was brought up, Changmin said 'Right now I can smile while talking about it, but nevertheless, it's still… ' and trailed off. The fans let out sighs of sympathy and Changmin said 'I don't need you to make such noises' and then the fans started screaming again. Chngmin's face darkened as he muttered 'It's not anything to get excited about'
Credits: Max Bar + Weibo
Trans by: dorfehh@DBSKnights
Shared by: DBSKnights+Saleisha Jae
HAPPY 24TH BIRTHDAY SHIM CHANGMIN (i know its its belated)
Feb 17, 2011
SBS Strong Heart ep. 64 with Eng Sub
source+credit : RMsub
shared by : Saleisha Jae
Feb 15, 2011
Behind The Scene of Strong Heart : Yunho mentioned Jaejoong and the Lawsuit
Some rumor about what happen behind the scene of Strong Heart which Yunho and Changmin attend as guest.
Its shocking!
I found it from twitter, tweets from a Cassiopeia.
WARNING : Take this only as RUMOR
On Tuesday, 15th February 2011. (3 hours ago)
[RT] Today at StrongHeart, YH mentioned JJ, but Hodong suggested cut the whole thing... UKnow is not that talkative but he keeps saying..
[RT] YH also talked about the SMsuit and JJ. He said 'Isn't JJ much prettier than Mina?' and Sungki said 'oh so you're coming-out?' and YH just smiled! OMG YunJae!!ㅠㅠㅠㅠ
[RT] yeah about suit, CM keeps telling YH to stop but he mentioned about some kindda slavecontract.. So the manager came up and beat YH even Hodong, Sungki and etc were there and watching..
RT] the manager said to YH that YH is just in SM because of background while beating YH... So all Cassies who were at the studio criedㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ And changed staffs and continued
shared by : Saleisha Jae
I'm shocked when I read "the manager beat Yunho". OMG! This can't be true.
If this is true, I'll kill that manager this instant!
*cool down*
Btw, as I mentioned, its only a rumor. So, we should not just jump into conclusion.
After some discussion with other Cassiopeia, they also said the same thing "its only rumor".
A Cassie told me that the rumor is not confirmed yet and even the original author was not sure about this either. So, its up to you Cassies.. to ACCEPT or REJECT.
p/s : About YH saying JJ is pretty..I really hope its true.....Yunjae~~
Its shocking!
I found it from twitter, tweets from a Cassiopeia.
WARNING : Take this only as RUMOR
On Tuesday, 15th February 2011. (3 hours ago)
[RT] Today at StrongHeart, YH mentioned JJ, but Hodong suggested cut the whole thing... UKnow is not that talkative but he keeps saying..
[RT] YH also talked about the SMsuit and JJ. He said 'Isn't JJ much prettier than Mina?' and Sungki said 'oh so you're coming-out?' and YH just smiled! OMG YunJae!!ㅠㅠㅠㅠ
[RT] yeah about suit, CM keeps telling YH to stop but he mentioned about some kindda slavecontract.. So the manager came up and beat YH even Hodong, Sungki and etc were there and watching..
RT] the manager said to YH that YH is just in SM because of background while beating YH... So all Cassies who were at the studio criedㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ And changed staffs and continued
shared by : Saleisha Jae
I'm shocked when I read "the manager beat Yunho". OMG! This can't be true.
If this is true, I'll kill that manager this instant!
*cool down*
Btw, as I mentioned, its only a rumor. So, we should not just jump into conclusion.
After some discussion with other Cassiopeia, they also said the same thing "its only rumor".
A Cassie told me that the rumor is not confirmed yet and even the original author was not sure about this either. So, its up to you Cassies.. to ACCEPT or REJECT.
p/s : About YH saying JJ is pretty..I really hope its true.....Yunjae~~
Feb 11, 2011
SBS Strong Heart ep. 63 with Eng Sub
Yunho and Changmin guesting a SBS variety show, Strong Heart. Watch it with English Subs here
source : kshowloveholic
credit : RMsub
shared by : Saleisha Jae
I watched the RAW episode before and I LMAO throughout the show coz it's really funny without even know what they talked about..
Feb 8, 2011
[TRANS] [FANACCOUNT] 110207 Yunho Birthday Event
[PART 1]
(T/N: These are rough translations I tweeted last night as fans were posting updates on Weibo. Bear in mind that minor details may have been omitted due to the character limit on Twitter.)
MC (Onew): I've heard that you'd like to get married at 29?
Yunho: I plan to get married at 32 because I still don't have a gf.
Fans: Really?
Yunho: Really, I don't have a gf
MC: Do you normally like to show aegyo?
Changmin: Yes he does, for example 'I'm hungry, feed me!'
Onew: Who sent your 1st birthday greeting?
Fans: Shim Changmin!
Yunho: Changmin? He sent one but it was short, it just said 'Happy Birthday'
Changmin: Your reply was equally short, all you said was 'Thank you'
Yunho: 'The first birthday greeting I received was from my sister'
Yunho sang a few lines of Honey Funny Bunny. When fans asked for more, he said 'Nah, I wouldn't have anything to sing for my solo at our concert'
Yunho: 'Changmin is a really good kid, everytime there are stalker fans chasing after us, he'll be like 'Go hyung, I'll take care of this'
Fan: Yunho oppa, how do you tell between fans of different age groups?
Yunho: Noona fans tend to smile while gazing at me. Younger fans say things like 'AIGOO, YUNHO OPPA I LOVE YOU!' Fans of the same age are usually more composed. They'll look at me, stop and calmly say something like 'Please take care of yourself'
Onew: I heard Yunho loses his possessions a lot.
Changmin: Yunho sshi, next time you lose your phone, please don't go through other people's pockets.
Yunho: Be careful on the 18th Changmin (his birthday)
Yunho: Changmin's text was the 14th in my inbox, I received it at 12:38
'I suddenly thought of something, the present should be in Yunho's hands now. We put the photobook (Intermodulation) inside a shoebox because we had to give it to his manager for it to be passed on to him'
Yunho was asked if he'd had any embarrassing moments.
Changmin: Loads, most of the time when that happens, I just act like I don't know Yunho hyung.
When talking about Yunho's hobbies...
Fans: Bowling!
Changmin: Looks like you got found out hyung
Yunho: Besides bowling, I also like karaoke.
Credits: Weibo
Trans by: dorfehh@DBSKnights
Shared by: DBSKnights + Saleisha Jae
[PART 2]
A fan made video was played at Yunho's birthday event. Screams erupted throughout the crowd as a scene of Yunho shirtless came up on screen.
Yunho: (Embarrassed) Yah… Why do you girls get so excited when you see sexual images…
Half way through the show, Yunho had an 'urgent situation' and had to walk off for a bit. According to the man himself, he'd drunk too much water and needed to 'relieve himself'. He said he'd get through it at top speed and come back as soon as possible. He then waddled off the stage like a duck with his arms by his sides, hands spread open. The fans all fell over laughing. Changmin said to Onew (the MC) 'What should we talk about to stall for time? He must be doing it at the speed of lightning right now, he's desperate'
Yunho was drinking water when Changmin suddenly mentioned something important, he spluttered and spat his water out across the stage.
Despite being a 'mystery guest', most people could recognize Changmin from his silhouette (T/N: well duh, a tower is hard to miss). Yunho said 'Stop trying to hide yourself Changmin, we can all see that it's you'.
Yunho was sitting on the front half of his stool and nearly fell off quite a few times.
When the cake was brought up, the fans cheered Changmin on to smear icing on Yunho's face but Changmin refused and very earnestly explained that their manager had once scolded him for getting cake on the other members' faces and nearly killing them and is now too afraid to ever do it again. The fans didn't give up though, and kept encouraging Changmin to do it, saying 'it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter!' Yunho butt in and exclaimed 'Yah! What do you mean it doesn't matter! It doesn't matter to you guys but it does to me!'
Credits: Weibo
Trans by: dorfehh@DBSKnights
Shared by: DBSKnights + Saleisha Jae
LOL This is histerical!!! I wish I was there......
Jaejoong's Intermodulation??? Daebakk!!!!! I really hope that there is someone who'll do this!
Hope that the manager don't open the box and Yunho got the photobook.
Yunho must be spazzing over his Boojae~~ hehehe...
(T/N: These are rough translations I tweeted last night as fans were posting updates on Weibo. Bear in mind that minor details may have been omitted due to the character limit on Twitter.)
MC (Onew): I've heard that you'd like to get married at 29?
Yunho: I plan to get married at 32 because I still don't have a gf.
Fans: Really?
Yunho: Really, I don't have a gf
MC: Do you normally like to show aegyo?
Changmin: Yes he does, for example 'I'm hungry, feed me!'
Onew: Who sent your 1st birthday greeting?
Fans: Shim Changmin!
Yunho: Changmin? He sent one but it was short, it just said 'Happy Birthday'
Changmin: Your reply was equally short, all you said was 'Thank you'
Yunho: 'The first birthday greeting I received was from my sister'
Yunho sang a few lines of Honey Funny Bunny. When fans asked for more, he said 'Nah, I wouldn't have anything to sing for my solo at our concert'
Yunho: 'Changmin is a really good kid, everytime there are stalker fans chasing after us, he'll be like 'Go hyung, I'll take care of this'
Fan: Yunho oppa, how do you tell between fans of different age groups?
Yunho: Noona fans tend to smile while gazing at me. Younger fans say things like 'AIGOO, YUNHO OPPA I LOVE YOU!' Fans of the same age are usually more composed. They'll look at me, stop and calmly say something like 'Please take care of yourself'
Onew: I heard Yunho loses his possessions a lot.
Changmin: Yunho sshi, next time you lose your phone, please don't go through other people's pockets.
Yunho: Be careful on the 18th Changmin (his birthday)
Yunho: Changmin's text was the 14th in my inbox, I received it at 12:38
'I suddenly thought of something, the present should be in Yunho's hands now. We put the photobook (Intermodulation) inside a shoebox because we had to give it to his manager for it to be passed on to him'
Yunho was asked if he'd had any embarrassing moments.
Changmin: Loads, most of the time when that happens, I just act like I don't know Yunho hyung.
When talking about Yunho's hobbies...
Fans: Bowling!
Changmin: Looks like you got found out hyung
Yunho: Besides bowling, I also like karaoke.
Credits: Weibo
Trans by: dorfehh@DBSKnights
Shared by: DBSKnights + Saleisha Jae
[PART 2]
A fan made video was played at Yunho's birthday event. Screams erupted throughout the crowd as a scene of Yunho shirtless came up on screen.
Yunho: (Embarrassed) Yah… Why do you girls get so excited when you see sexual images…
Half way through the show, Yunho had an 'urgent situation' and had to walk off for a bit. According to the man himself, he'd drunk too much water and needed to 'relieve himself'. He said he'd get through it at top speed and come back as soon as possible. He then waddled off the stage like a duck with his arms by his sides, hands spread open. The fans all fell over laughing. Changmin said to Onew (the MC) 'What should we talk about to stall for time? He must be doing it at the speed of lightning right now, he's desperate'
Yunho was drinking water when Changmin suddenly mentioned something important, he spluttered and spat his water out across the stage.
Despite being a 'mystery guest', most people could recognize Changmin from his silhouette (T/N: well duh, a tower is hard to miss). Yunho said 'Stop trying to hide yourself Changmin, we can all see that it's you'.
Yunho was sitting on the front half of his stool and nearly fell off quite a few times.
When the cake was brought up, the fans cheered Changmin on to smear icing on Yunho's face but Changmin refused and very earnestly explained that their manager had once scolded him for getting cake on the other members' faces and nearly killing them and is now too afraid to ever do it again. The fans didn't give up though, and kept encouraging Changmin to do it, saying 'it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter!' Yunho butt in and exclaimed 'Yah! What do you mean it doesn't matter! It doesn't matter to you guys but it does to me!'
Credits: Weibo
Trans by: dorfehh@DBSKnights
Shared by: DBSKnights + Saleisha Jae
LOL This is histerical!!! I wish I was there......
Jaejoong's Intermodulation??? Daebakk!!!!! I really hope that there is someone who'll do this!
Hope that the manager don't open the box and Yunho got the photobook.
Yunho must be spazzing over his Boojae~~ hehehe...
fan girl,
Feb 7, 2011
Jaejoong's birthday message for Yunho
This post contains Yunjaeism. Please step back if you're not into Yunjae.

Note: This photo is taken from a fan's mobile phone... 02/06/11
credit: mjjeje + yunjaeclub
Edit: Some fans claimed to have seen the tweet and said that @mjjeje deleted his tweet minutes after.
Then he changed his twitter profile picture...making more fans believe that he is really online.
I was 30 minutes late for the #UKnowTime tweet issue...So I don't know if it's real or not since I didn't see anything.
But I did see him change his profile pic from this
to this
then back to this
...which means JJ really is online...
Omo! Why did you delete that twit? @mjjeje ?!
Min Young
어머나 RT @mjjeje happy birthday chubby hubby♥ #UKnowTime
Edit Again:
This is preview of Korean Twitter
credit: jaekyu263

I was so shocked to hear this... I really not sure if this is true or not, coz... Jaejoong? tweet something like that? THAT SOUND SO IMPOSSIBLE coz its truly DANGEROUS
I'm late for about 10 mins after the trending and I'm not on twitter all the time, I just wish that I can confirm it with my own EYES! THIS IS SO UNBELIEVABLE!!I know that there is HIGH possibilities that this rumor is FAKE...but deep inside I really hope that it really REALLY happen! It shows that Boojae is still care bout his chubby hubby~
Note: This photo is taken from a fan's mobile phone... 02/06/11
credit: mjjeje + yunjaeclub
Edit: Some fans claimed to have seen the tweet and said that @mjjeje deleted his tweet minutes after.
Then he changed his twitter profile picture...making more fans believe that he is really online.
I was 30 minutes late for the #UKnowTime tweet issue...So I don't know if it's real or not since I didn't see anything.
But I did see him change his profile pic from this
...which means JJ really is online...
Some reactions by fans about the seen twit are as follow...
내가 꿈꾸고있는 거니?!!!! RT @mjjeje happy birthday chubby hubby♥ #UKnowTime
내가 꿈꾸고있는 거니?!!!! RT @mjjeje happy birthday chubby hubby♥ #UKnowTime
Arcu Lu
@TVFXQsoulNo, it's 100% real tweet. But oppa deleted it.
@TVFXQsoulNo, it's 100% real tweet. But oppa deleted it.
Omo! Why did you delete that twit? @mjjeje ?!
Joan Tan
오빠 ~~~ ㅋㅋㅋㅋ happy birthday chubby hubby? ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 오빠 진짜 귀여워요 ㅋㅋ RT @mjjeje happy birthday chubby hubby♥#UKnowTime
jiji shaana
어머나 RT @mjjeje happy birthday chubby hubby♥ #UKnowTime
♬ 최 VoA ♥ 윤 두 준 ♬
Mwo?!! Jae tweet Happy bday chubby hubby♥ #uknowtime ?!! Gosh --a Why you deleted that tweet?! --a My YJshipper feeling go on fire with @mjjeje tweet! OMG!
마리치사 재중
@mjjeje 생일축하합니다 윤호 오빠!! Kekekeke ^O^
Edit Again: Okay, some fans said this may be fake.
I don't know since this is really unbeliavable and I'm not in twitter now. @_@
Sooo update me if anything please coz my heart is jumpin' jumpin' o.o
ユノおっぱー!!おたんじょうび、おめでとうー!(^^) 揺るぎない信念と共に、計り知れないパワーが、これからも私たちに降り注ぎますよーに っ!!ジェジュンのユノが、これからも幸せでありますように☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆ RT @mjjeje happy birthday chubby hubby♥ #UKnowTime
마리치사 재중
@mjjeje 생일축하합니다 윤호 오빠!! Kekekeke ^O^
Happy birthday to your chubby hubby!!!! i still can't believe that you tweeted like that o___o RT @mjjeje happy birthday chubby hubby♥ #UKnowTime
Happy birthday to your chubby hubby!!!! i still can't believe that you tweeted like that o___o RT @mjjeje happy birthday chubby hubby♥ #UKnowTime
ow @mjjeje .. delete it ? why ?
あんにょんJJ^^ きょうはユノのお誕生日だね♪ 今はむずかしい状況だけど、きっとホントはおめでとうって伝えたいんだろうなって、J Jの心をそうぞうしてたら涙がでてきて…(。・_・。)ノ …私もそっとユノのセンイルをおいわいします…ユノ、センイルチュッカヘ ヨ☆ RT @mjjeje happy birthday chubby hubby♥#UKnowTime
あんにょんJJ^^ きょうはユノのお誕生日だね♪ 今はむずかしい状況だけど、きっとホントはおめでとうって伝えたいんだろうなって、J
awwww @mjjeje <3 say it agaiiin !!! #UKnowTime
오빠!!!!!대국남아의가람님맞팔해조요!!!!!!윤재아들이란말야!!!!! RT @mjjeje happy birthday chubby hubby♥ #UKnowTime
ジェジュン^^今日は旦那の誕生日だね☆もちろん今日一緒に過ごすよね??← RT @mjjeje happy birthday chubby hubby♥ #UKnowTime
ジェジュン^^今日は旦那の誕生日だね☆もちろん今日一緒に過ごすよね??← RT @mjjeje happy birthday chubby hubby♥ #UKnowTime
Edit Again: Okay, some fans said this may be fake.
I don't know since this is really unbeliavable and I'm not in twitter now. @_@
Sooo update me if anything please coz my heart is jumpin' jumpin' o.o
Edit Again:
This is preview of Korean Twitter
credit: jaekyu263
source : heavenswine
shared by : Saleisha Jae
O H Y U N J A E ..... *gasped*I was so shocked to hear this... I really not sure if this is true or not, coz... Jaejoong? tweet something like that? THAT SOUND SO IMPOSSIBLE coz its truly DANGEROUS
I'm late for about 10 mins after the trending and I'm not on twitter all the time, I just wish that I can confirm it with my own EYES! THIS IS SO UNBELIEVABLE!!
Feb 6, 2011
Happy 26th Birthday Jung Yunho
its 6th Feb and it is none other than our charismatic leader-shii, Jung Yunho's birthday!!!!
Cassiopeia started trending #UKnowTime from 12.00 AM KST and as usual we got 1st place!! (Cassies daebakk!)
*sigh*.... actually I hope that our leader-shii have a twitter account so that I can sent my birthday wish for him (same as what I do on Junsu and Jaejoong's birthday) in that way I feel like my day has complete..
but nevermind.. as long as our leader-shii knows that there is one of his fan who wish the best for him in his birthday (I'm sure Yunho oppa knows that...)
Yunho had always become my inspiration, his leadership that he shows to us towards the members had always inspire me to become a better leader..
as I was a Student Discipline Board President, I had to take care lots of people back then. So, whenever I felt tired, upset of my duty or so...I'll always remember what Yunho oppa has done. In other words, he gives me lot of strength.
Jung Yunho is the best leader for Dong Bang Shin Ki and he'll always be...
p/s : its the day between Jaejoong and Yunho's birthday, is also Yunjae Special Day!
Cassiopeia started trending #UKnowTime from 12.00 AM KST and as usual we got 1st place!! (Cassies daebakk!)
*sigh*.... actually I hope that our leader-shii have a twitter account so that I can sent my birthday wish for him (same as what I do on Junsu and Jaejoong's birthday) in that way I feel like my day has complete..
but nevermind.. as long as our leader-shii knows that there is one of his fan who wish the best for him in his birthday (I'm sure Yunho oppa knows that...)
Yunho had always become my inspiration, his leadership that he shows to us towards the members had always inspire me to become a better leader..
as I was a Student Discipline Board President, I had to take care lots of people back then. So, whenever I felt tired, upset of my duty or so...I'll always remember what Yunho oppa has done. In other words, he gives me lot of strength.
Jung Yunho is the best leader for Dong Bang Shin Ki and he'll always be...
p/s : its the day between Jaejoong and Yunho's birthday, is also Yunjae Special Day!
Feb 3, 2011
Junsu's Tears of Heaven Musical Press Preview
credits : wickednutopia2
Our Junsu is amazingly talented. I can really feel the emotion that he try to sent to the audience. His voice is perfect, even though I can't help myself from being jealous by all that hugging and touches *excuse me..*
But try to look in the aspect of musical. This is really great!
*ok I'm not pro, I know..*
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