While me and my friends were waiting for my other 2 friends that were VIPs at the Doubletree Hotel, we went to the hotel’s cafe. Me and my friend, Asma eat a marble cheese cake. We only ate 2/3 of it since our stomach conditions were quite bad (craving for rice. didnt eat rice for a day. xD)
So we just asked the cashier to put it in a box because we probably can eat it on the way to KLIA.After all the activities ended, we went to KLIA.
At the KLIA my other friend decided to bring the cake inside the airport, she said that she will eat it while waiting for JYJ to arrive.
So after JYJ had arrived, things started to become chaos but thank goodness there were tough and strategic bodyguards around them so fans didnt get to touch them. While so many fans were around them, my junior, Syahirah who was holding the cake’s box keep shouting “JUNSU! TAKE MY CAKE!” Junsu took the cake and she fell down! So they stopped walking when one of the bodyguard shouted “STOP! STOP! STOP!” all attention were on her including Jaejoong, Yoochun and Junsu! (so envy her. I fell down too… how I wish I fell in front of Yoochun xD)

this was the time where Junsu saw my junior held out the box..
So after she stood up, JYJ once again continue their way to the departure gate..
After they have passed the gate, I went to search for my friends and found Syahirah first. She told me that Junsu took the cake.. I was like “WHAT?! BUT THE CAKE IS MINE AND ASMA’S LEFTOVER!” she said she didnt know it was our leftover.. she thought that cake was still uneaten. So she decided to give it to Junsu. aigo~~~ I really want to know how was Junsu’s reaction when he open the box. >.<
Message to Junsu : Oppa, I hope you dont think we are your antis.. It happened by an accident. We dont hate you but we love you! Please dont be disgusted (but I know you did)! We are so sorry~~~~~ >_<
P/S: Sorry for the bad grammar. While writing this fan account, I was watching Jaejoong took of his jacket (and revealing his sexy body). xD
BTW! I shared this fanaccount at O! so just wanted to share this here~ <3
credit: eunsookee@twitter
shared by : Saleisha Jae
This is so funny LMAO! Cassiopeia are so epic!
I would do anything to actually see Junsu's reaction when he opened the box. Maybe he'll be like "WTF??"
or maybe he'll eat it (thats possible okay...)
I read so many bad articles about JYJ 's in Malaysia....especially some scene in the airport during their departure...makes me angry and sad T.T
The media just twisting the facts and make JYJ look bad. I HATE THEM! The truth is....definitely our boys care for their fans.