I almost screaming like crazy when I saw this -
=_= small things like this can really make me grinning from ear to ear huh? hehehe :-p
Although the news is something old (for me who update Tohoshinki news everyday). But just to see him in the news paper is enough to make me happy (and love him more)
*fangirl mode*
28th March 2010
this is the front page of Mingguan Malaysia - Pancaindera
(entertainment section for the news paper)
the news about Jaejoong in 'Bintang Asia' (Asian Star) section
can you see it? not clear? ok lets zoom....
it was state there 'Rezeki Hero Jae-jung'
roughly translated : Hero Jae-jung's Luck
want me to translate it? Well..I'm not good in translating...but I'll try.
Hero Jae-jung's Luck
TVXQ's Hero Jae-jung agreed to act in a Japanese Drama " Because I'm Not Honest" with the celebrity of the country, Juri Ueno.
It was an anticipating drama involving two big name in both Korea and Japan entertainment industries associate in a product.
" TVXQ also known as Tohoshinki in Japan have mega star status here (Japan). It was a wise decision for Hero Jae-jung to develope his career oversea", said one of the group fan.
The drama will be aired starting 10pm every Thursday. Starring also model to be actress, Eita, Megumi Seki and Tetsuji Tamayama.
anyone know what picture that they use here? I think it was from around 2006 right?
trans + credit : Saleisha Jae
source : Mingguan Malaysia - Pancaindera